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Cheap Jerseys from china Note: With the launch of the new Season, patch sizes will be larger than normal.”Details about Season 2 remain very scarce, with Epic Games cleverly blanking out several key details on its website.Read MoreFortnite Season 2 teaser appears around the world and it contains a secret messageIt explained: “Chapter 2 Season 2 will feature [blank] with multiple [blank]. We can’t brief you on all of next Season’s secrets just yet”However, that’s not to say that rumours about Season 2 haven’t been rife, with many suggesting a ‘gold’ them for the new Chapter.Earlier this week, teaser ads were spotted in various locations around the world, including Brazil, France and Japan.The short teaser features a gold handprint on top of the Fortnite logo, and gold bars covering up the text at the bottom.However, eagle eyed fans have noticed that a phone number is visible on the ad, which reveals a secret message if you call it.Twitter user ShiinaBR wrote: “In the past few hours, several teasers for Season 2 have been found worldwide! Some of them even have a phone number attached.”A voice will tell you this when you call it: ‘Yes sir’, ‘The agents were called’, ‘Card to access the safe purchased’.”While Epic Games has remained tight lipped about Season 2, rumours suggest that the theme could be something to do with gold.On Reddit, one Fortnite fan has revealed their theory for the new chapter.The user, called FortNiteBR, wrote: “The Oro skin has been leaked for a bit now and we’ve yet to see it in the item shop. I believe that this skin represents or is King Midas because he is Golden and wears a crown.”The hand in this teaser is gold and I think it represents the golden touch.”These golden objects have been appearing all around he map recently, and maybe they’re teasing what i’m predicting.”I think the next season will have some kind of golden theme and that the three things put together might be teasing that.” Cheap Jerseys from china.

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Sal natural de mar, muy suave al paladar, se disuelve con facilidad al sazonar los distintos alimentos y tiene ese aspecto húmedo tan característico de estas sales. Ideal para el toque final en tu platillo y diseñada para la alta cocina. Nuestra Sal Gourmet Elefante no sala, ¡sazona!

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Condimento Flor de Sal Brisa de Occidente

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